24 handpicked wallpapers for your Android device. The size of the wallpapers is 1536×1024. When you download the wallpaper to your device, you might need to crop it depending on how your phone or tablet handles wallpapers.
Month: September 2013
27 iOS 7 wallpapers for Windows or Android
If you want at least a glimpse of the look and feel of the brand new iOS 7 which was released last week, you can help yourself with the wallpapers below. I took the originals (which you can find in this post) and cropped them a bit to be more suited for Windows or Android devices. The size is 1920×1440, so standrad ratio but it works well on widesreen devices also.
27 wallpapers bundled with the iOS 7 upgrade for iPad
The 27 wallpapers above are included in the iOS7 upgrade for the iPad. The size of each wallpapers is 2524×2524. You can use the iOS7 wallpapers for any other device or PC, but if you like them better iI uploaded a cropped versions adjusted for PC, size 1920×1440 here.